Thursday, July 2, 2009
may 5, 09
Mar 24, 09
blogging, something thats fun but hard to keep up with. i am going to try to get back into writing down my feelings again i find it very helpful to write them down and then being able to see what i have written and save it for future times. today was just another blah day at school with the odd feeling of wanting to punch a certain teacher square in the face. then went to my moms work and got punched in the arm and kicked out the office and told to wait in the car, i was there for 2 hours and thirty minutes, fun right. now i am home with my mom not in a very talkative mood, me with no plans when im in the mood to just not give a fuck. today sounds like a downer, it wasn’t to bad, actually today is the first bad day i have had in about a week.
title due to: the book im reading, impulse my ellen hopkins